
Banniere bioselect
Logo Bio'Select

Notre marque propre en bio

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The best of Bio

Bio’Select is a “transversal” brand which proposes a selection of the best bio fruits. Their distribution by Banagrumes guarantees a direct link with producers.

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Our first brand per se

An innovative approach presented by Alain Alarcon, Président of Banagrumes

At Banagrumes, very early in our development, we tabled on the importance of brand names and Brio brand is a perfect illustration thereof. We quickly understood its importance: it is a benchmark and it rewards us with customer loyalty.

At the present time we are engaged in an innovative approach, with the conviction of the importance of launching our very first brand as such, Bio’Select.

Portrait rond


Logo bioselect

The selection of bio fruits is made by the Banagrumes teams which consider the general quality of the product and more particularly its organoleptic qualities: taste, fragrance, aspect, texture and sugar/acid balance.

It’s good knowledge of our products and their varieties which enables Banagrumes to decide if a bio fruit can benefit from the Bio’Select brand label.

The promise

We offer a variety of the best bio products in terms of quantity and at the best price.
With Bio’Select, you dialogue directly with producers.

The range

It’s in constant evolution. We now propose oranges, lemons, avocados, asparagus, ginger, limes and bananas.
Our objective is to become the reference brand for the bio fruit market.

Our ambition

To build a healthy and accessible future in the food industry. To foster client loyalty, to increase the number of our distributors, to satisfy them – as well as satisfying our consumers – this is the core of our ambition.


• Packages with the Bio’Select logo
• Labels for fruit and Bio’Select silk paper
• 42 cm x 60 cm posters for retailers
• Kraft bags and Bio’Select jute bags
Logo bioselect

Bio’select, it’s doublyimportant

Distributeur fruits

It’s important for the distributor and the consumer

A benchmark

Bio’Select, through its logo, is a sign for the distributor and the consumer, enabling them to identify the products that they like and encouraging them to buy.

The desire to discover

Bio’Select, as a transversal brand, incites the consumer to discover and test other fruits of the same brand.

A guarantee

Bio’Select, due to its market position and its promise, is a reassuring quality/price indicator for the consumer.

Producteur bioselect

It’s important for the producer

Take advantage of the serious work accomplished by Banagrumes and of its commercial reputation

Banagrumes is recognized as a top performer in its field. One of its attributes is to conciliate volume, quality and price. As a fruit multi-specialist, Banagrumes is now one of the big time distributors which just can’t be ignored on the Rungis market.

An opportunity to be more visible

To market a fruit as a Bio’Select product helps us to take advantage of our visibility, created by all products of the Bio’Select range. At the same time it enables us to communicate on our brand name.

A trampoline to emerge efficiently on the French market

To be federated to other producers who have the same values as ours reinforces our emergence on a fast growing market and enables us to develop our sales figure.