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Fruits Bio'Select

Published by Fresh Plaza, April 3rd 2019

The company Banagrumes has just launched its first own organic brand, called “Bio’Select”. The business is based in Rungis, near Paris. For now, three Spanish products are marketed under this brand: lemons, oranges and avocados. Alain Alarcon, president of the company, plans to commercialize more products of various origins under this brand in the future. “It is a ‘transversal’ brand. It will probably include organic avocados from Peru, for example.”

Seducing with the organic label
Alain explains that the introduction of ‘Bio’Select’ stems from the company’s history. “A few years after the foundation of Banagrumes in 1963, my father created the brand Brio for the Spanish citrus fruits. We are still the exclusive distributor of the brand. Based on this positive experience, I thought now was a good time to introduce an organic brand. Its creation will attract new consumers who are seduced by organic products.” For now, the products are intended for the French market. “There is still room for progress in the export sector, with many interesting markets in the European community.”

Relevant for everyone
According to Alain, Bio’Select is an interesting brand for distributors and consumers. “We select our suppliers to guarantee consistency in quality so that Bio’Select can become a trusted brand. There is an interest for the producers as well. Growing Bio’Select products for Banagrumes is a serious guarantee, because we are known on the market to be serious. We are a key distributor on the Rungis market and we intend for it to stay that way. The brand also is an opportunity for the suppliers who are not yet present on the French market. By packaging their merchandise in Bio’Select, they will be able to conquer the French market.”

The appealing power of Rungis
Banagrumes is based in Rungis, the largest wholesale market in Europe. “Rungis has a huge appealing power that goes beyond the French border. We attract customers from all over Europe. For us, Rungis is an essential showcase, where customers find a diversity like nowhere else,” explains Alain. “It is thus very important for us to be part of this showcase as an active member.”

About Banagrumes
Banagrumes is a family business. Alain represents the third generation. “We are fruit multi-specialists. We work on about 6,500 tons of bananas each year and sell around 10,000 tons of citrus fruits. Additionally, we offer a total average of 24,000 tons of grapes and exotic fruits annually.”

For more information:  
Alain Alarcon
+33 (0)1 45 12 28 40

Read the full article on : https://www.freshplaza.com/article/9077628/banagrumes-launches-an-organic-brand/

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