Home Page > Bio Products > Bananas, avocados, bio mangoes

For health, the avocado is your best advocate. It’s one of the main “disintoxication” foods. Rich in fibre, it favours satiation and stimulates intestinal transit. It is beneficial for our cardiovascular health and contributes to regulating bad cholesterol. It’s a little beauty secret, rich in vitamin E. When mashed into a puree and spread over your face for 20 minutes, it’s a precious anti-age ally. Speak to your clients about it, especially the ladies!


Bananas bio

Origins : France (Guadeloupe & Martinique), Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic…
Variety : Cavendish
Brands : BGM, Bio’Select, Tropy, MLC, Darien
Calibres : P20, P19, P14…

Avocados bio

Origins: Spain, Peru

Variety : Hass
Brands : Bio’Select, Emperador
Calibres : 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30

Mangoes bio

Origins: Spain, Côte d’Ivoire, Peru…

Varieties : Kent, Osteen
Brand : Bio’Select
Calibres : 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

Freyssinette bio

Origin : Ecuador
Brand : Santana

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